Who am I?

Some lady that loves her books and her television programs. But, more importantly, someone who gazes into the void regularly (mostly by way of consuming every possible form of media). I am an indoorsy environmentalist—meaning I love hiking and my couch equally.

Why subscribe?

I won’t lie, there’s no guarantee I will be either coherent or consistent. And I believe in my heart that’s something worth sticking around for 💜

But how do I know you?

According to my conversations with my psychiatrist, no one will ever truly know me, per se, but I do participate in the readers of Instagram space (aka Bookstagram, IYKYK) and you can follow my sporadic reading updates here: shelf.help

Subscribe to The Inside of Alanna's Brain

This is The Inside of Alanna's Brain™️, a newsletter about thoughts that keep me up at night. There’s not a lot of them. I sleep pretty well, actually.


This is The Inside of Alanna's Brain™️, a newsletter about thoughts that keep me up at night. There’s not a lot of them. I sleep pretty well, actually.